CERT Program Manager

The CERT Program Manager Course is a two day, 16 hour course (although this should be a 2.5 day course according to the curriculum, it is typically delivered in 2 days when paired with the CERT Train-the-Trainer Course), designed to prepare participants to establish the CERT Program Manager course should be used as part of an program manager development strategy and is not designed to be the sole requirement to become a CERT Program Manager. It is strongly recommend to have new program managers work with their State CERT Administrator and other CERT program managers to learn how to run a successful CERT program.

The CERT Program Manager course by a variety of resources including the following:


  • Must have a letter of referral from a valid CERT Sponsoring Agency.

  • Must have taken the CERT Basic Course – Please note that an exception may be made for participants with a first responder background and have taken the online CERT IS-317 course. This exception is made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the course manager.

  • Because most Program Manager courses are paid for by public funds, these courses may not be available for participants who wish to take the courses with the intent to sell CERT Basic Training.

FEMA EMI Deliveries

Known as E deliveries, FEMA holds several CERT Program Manager courses at the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) in Emmitsburg Maryland each year. To register for a FEMA EMI course delivery, visit the FEMA EMI website at https://training.fema.gov/apply/ for more information. Search for 0427 for the CERT Program Manager Class. Participants will need a cover letter from their CERT Sponsoring Agency. Participants send the completed application form to their State Training Officer who will vet the applications before sending them to EMI for approval.

FEMA Local Deliveries

Known as L deliveries, FEMA will work with a local jurisdiction (either State or local jurisdiction) to plan a Local FEMA CERT Program Manager course delivery. The local jurisdiction is required to contract with at least two instructors from FEMA’s CERT instructor cadre.

State Approved Deliveries

State CERT Offices can vet and approve State CERT Trainers and State CERT Program Manager deliveries. State deliveries are not available in every state, and the frequency will differ depending on the state. To find out more about State approved CERT Program Manager course deliveries, please check with your State CERT Administrator.